Anecdote: A first foray into genuine teamwork

As someone who’s always been more at ease in the quiet corner of a room with my computer than in a bustling crowd, the concept of teamwork didn’t exactly thrill me at first. The idea of sharing tasks and relying on others felt foreign, given my tendency to tackle challenges solo. However, stepping into a large company quickly taught me the limitations of going it alone. It became crystal clear that to make any real progress, embracing the team spirit was the only way forward.

Starting out in the team, my initial challenge was to really get to know my colleagues—identifying not just their professional strengths and weaknesses, but understanding their personal drives and apprehensions. At the same time, I had to learn to open up and show my own true self, which wasn’t easy. This mutual sharing laid the foundation for trust and respect, leading us to find a common purpose that made collaboration feel not just necessary, but exciting.

The hurdle of putting my ideas out there, in a sea of established voices, initially felt daunting. I found my stride by beginning to share thoughts in smaller, more personal discussions, which gradually built up my confidence to speak up in the larger group. As people responded well to my contributions, I became more assured in sharing my insights openly.

Listening to and integrating the ideas of my colleagues into my approach was equally vital. Recognizing when to offer help and when to ask for it allowed me to navigate my strengths and weaknesses more effectively. This exchange of mentorship and support not only accelerated our individual skill development but also cemented our collective success.

Though it felt overwhelming at first, that initial plunge into teamwork turned out to be incredibly rewarding, filled with important lessons on the power of collaboration, the importance of diverse perspectives, and the incredible achievements that come from working closely together.


Anecdote: Improving customer outcomes at a software development company


Anecdote: A personal mission at the European Space Agency