Anecdote: Enhancing Customer Service Through Team Transformation

When I was appointed as Customer Service Manager, the goal was clear but challenging: elevate our service to offer something exceptional to our major customers. The path forward, however, was less clear, given the foundational issues we faced.

Our customer service was underpinned by a mix of local first-line support teams worldwide and a central second-line support team in the UK. Yet, our support call system was inefficient, lacking an escalation process and a knowledge base for incident resolution. Moreover, our team needed stronger problem-solving skills essential for effective second-line support.

Recognizing these challenges, my primary goal was to equip the team with the necessary resources and skills. This transformation wasn't overnight. It took several months of dedicated effort, during which we also revised our performance metrics to better track improvements.

We began by overhauling our support call system to facilitate seamless escalation. A knowledge base was created, capturing resolutions for past incidents, aiding in quicker problem-solving. Simultaneously, we conducted training sessions to enhance our team's problem-solving abilities.

With a solid foundation in place, we designed an enhanced 24x7 service, leveraging our team's global footprint. Initially launched with a few customers, this allowed us to make quick adjustments based on their feedback.

The enhanced service, once fine-tuned, was offered more broadly, contributing to a 10% increase in revenue from customer service. This achievement was a testament to our team's hard work and the importance of getting the basics right before aiming higher.

This experience taught me the value of foundational strengths in a team. By focusing on core skills and processes, we were able to build something that not only met but exceeded expectations, paving the way for future success.


Isn't it time you got your hands dirty?


Anecdote: Improving customer outcomes at a software development company